Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm 30 na...(01/07/2011)

Took a bath and I heard a soft sounding knock from the door.
"Dada, ba-bath ko", Zyle said. 

He might have figured out that it was my birthday and that he wanted me to feel special on this day by just spending the first hour of my day with him.  He's a sweet child.

Kissed the kids goodbye before warming-up our motorcycle before going to work.

Around 11AM, as a so-called trend already, my ESD-NA team prepared a dine out treat at Mooon Cafe.  Originally they let me choose a certain restaurant where I would like to go and Don Henrico @ Ayala Center Cebu was my choice since I was also planning to carbo-load in preparation for the Cebu City Marathon.  Unfortunately, due to an unavoidable circumstances we have to change that to Mooon Cafe instead.  But I still got my yummy and saucy carbonara at Mooon Cafe.

Got back at the office with bloated stomach. :-)

Later I received a compilation of email greetings from most of my colleagues and here are some of those:

Then coincidentally, that day was also the annual PE (Physical Exam) for all the January birthday celebrants.  Aside from the common tests (CDC, X-ray, Urinalysis, Physical Check-up) I did ask for a Blood Uric Acid test as suggested by Doc Lim for my nagging ankle injury.  Hopefully the result wouldn't show indication of a possible signs of arthritis.

Then at 5PM, again coincidentally, a 1st Friday mass was held at the canteen which I attended.

Earlier that day, Rina told me that we would meet with my mother and siblings to have a small get-together dinner at Ayala Center Cebu.  I also knew that we do not have any cash and it would be easier to use the credit card to pay for our dinner.  But when I was about to make a right turn from the MEPZ gate, she halted me and said that we need to go home first so we could bring the kids along and take a cab instead.  It made me a bit angry because it was already 8 PM and that they might already be hungry waiting for us in Ayala.  I didn't talk to her while we are still mobiling to let her know that I was upset.  When we arrived at our house, I was surprised to see 3 of my office mates there.  One was icing a cake and the other two were trying to blow the balloons.  I was worried because I know that we did not prepare anything.  Seconds later,  a cab stopped by and I saw my mother,my brother Niel and my 2 nieces getting off the taxi.  That's when I knew that all along they have planned to surprise me by preparing something for my 30th birthday.  My father also called and greeted me.  Then my 2 other brothers came and I was very happy that they made my 30th bday very very special.  Thank you all for these Wonderful Surprise...  most especially to my beautiful wife Rina...  Mwahh..  I love you so much..