Sunday, August 1, 2010

One Gallon


I was among this year's Blood Galloner awardee. There were only 17 of us for year 2010. I am very happy to receive this award but more than anything else it was an unexpected surprize, a wonderful one.


Donating blood regularly started when I transferred from USC-TC to CIT-University. The very reason why I donated blood the first time was because I am so afraid to see my own blood and to those needles sink thru my skin, be it from a small cut or from a punctured wound. I remember that I fainted once when I was still in my elementary years. We were given Hep vaccines, among with my two other siblings. I was the only one who felt this way and after that they would always tease me during our next sessions. It was an ordeal I have to fight on my own. Eventually I ended up to a conclusion that sometimes I just cannot push myself to befriend "bloods and needles" but I found enough courage to pursue it because along the way I way helping unknown brothers or sisters that might need my blood. It was regular 4-month waiting period to donate again. After I graduated from college, i also forgot to donate blood regularly, unconciously.

I was just about 4 years ago, when Lear had its yearly Blood Donation program started, a joint activity with Philippine Red Cross. I can also remembered that during one of the sessions, I collapsed. A "total black-out", but that never stopped me even so.

Sometimes I'm told not to donate again because of what happened. I have my reasons. Maybe not everyone could digest it and to receive that award reminds me of my cause. It's always good to know that somewhere along the way I have help save lives.

Thank you Red Cross of keeping the records which I taught was inexistent.
1 gallon = at least 8 blood donations


"I Move. I Give. I Love."

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