Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Buhisan's Tree Planting Irony

If not for the pictures, I have no positive comment/s or remark/s from our Tree Planting activity in Buhisan last July 17, 2010. I was most disappointed, even angry, of what I saw and observe there.

Why Irony as my title?

Here's why. Quite a number of people from different companies arrived there to support DENR's call to plant more trees and help nurture our watersheds. One of which was Buhisan. After planting all the seedling we brought, including the one's they (DENR) have prepared, we went to the watershed, which at that time was still dry. Along the way, I have observed that some trees, about the same diameter as my arms has "cut marks" from big knife/bolo. The trees were not totaly cut down. Such a cruel act. Then I overheard from the DENR personnels that some residents makes and sells "uling" or charcoal as their source of income. Here's the catch, they were not allowed to get twig/branches or any tree parts for making charcoal from live trees. There's a penalty for anyone who'll get caught because of this. So going back to what I saw, the "marks" clearly suggests that the poor trees were stabbed and left to die so that they could harvest them soon for making charcoals. I don't think DENR has the claws and teeth to stop this since there was even a group of kids there looking guilty because they have with them live branches but our DENR guide as if honestly inspecting the supposedly evidence just said, "Ay, laya na diay". "Laya sa imong kagaral, kaklaro na ana imo pa jud nuon silang gi-protektaan", I thought to myself.

So analyze this... We plant more trees someone else we collect them without reaching to maturity.. What purpose that this serve?

Anyway, here my sole positive remark for the day: "Nice shot."

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