Monday, July 19, 2010

Ungo Runner at last


Dr. Mitty (blue), Dr. Alex (orange), Me (white)

At long last, I was able to join the Ungo Run last Friday, 16th of July 2010 for the 1st time. I met a lot of new acquaintances including Angel(Med Rep), Dr. Kim and Dr. Alex(Cardio). They are all Doc Mitty's friends. BTW, Dr. Mitty IgaƱa is my wife's OB Gyne and she was the one who invited me long ago to join this Ungo running group.

From IT park, we rode a cab to Sun Star Cebu office. When we arrived there, I saw quite a number of people (mostly first timers also) listening to the speech made by Dr. Toledo. I couldn't hear anything because the room was so small to accommodate almost 60 people who crowded the place.

After the short "talk", we headed down to the alley of Don Pedro Cui Street. "Sherwin please lead the stretching exercise", Max Limpag politely asked. He was referring to Mary Grace delos Santos' (Cebu's Top Female Runner) coach and running buddy. It was a new routine that I tried to memorize hoping to share it with Lear Runners. Max distributed the safety blinkers to the pacers and some regular Ungo Runners and off we go. Just 100 meters from the starting point, raindrops started pouring. "Modayon pa ta?", says one chubby mother. :-) "Ang-ang noh, dugay na nakong plano moapil, dili pa jud madayon", I thought to myself. When we passed through the hilly R. Landon Street, Doc Mitty introduced me to Dr. Alex Junia, a 6-time marathoner and a fun-runner. He said, "Running frees my mind and lets me gather bright ideas". BTW, before the run, I asked Doc Mitty to refer me to a person who could give a talk regarding "safe running". Dr. Alex is over-qualified to do the job but he did not refused when I asked him if he could possibly give us (Lear Runners) a sort of seminar.

I believe Dr. Alex was a big Holland team fan. He would shout "Go Orange" every time he saw some of his buddies especially if they were supporting team Spain. Too bad Team Orange lost that final match, a very close one.

When we arrived at "Bread and Butter" bakeshop just across SSS building, we stopped to wait for the other runners. It was a simulated water station as if in actual fun runs, but this time you need to buy your own water. I brought with me a small water container but it was emptied even before we passed the Capitol building. I forgot to bring money and was too shy to borrow from anyone including Doc Mitty. Too bad, we're still half way to IT Park. I just wished silently for the rain to pour again. Heavily!!! :-)

When the last group had their drink, we carried on. One thing I found out in this run is that there was a lot of running pace that you could follow depending on your own comfy speed. So anyone who would want to join Ungo Runs soon should not be afraid of being left alone. I was comfortable with Doc Mitty's pace which I believe was at 6km/hr. Some group scale up to Marco Polo Hotel but I decided not to because I was already thirsty. I was already thinking of buying a liter of water once I reach the finish line since my motorcycle, where I left my money, was parked near the area. I was glad when I got there because I wasn't able to spend my money. There were free "St. James" bottled water for everyone. I was just informed that Mr. James, owner of St. James mineral water, promised to provide free drinking water in every Ungo runs from that day onwards.

After the pictorials, I asked for Dr. Alex's number hoping to give him the details regarding the possible seminar soon. I thanked Angel for allowing me to leave my bag on her car and Doc Mitty for the invitation to the Ungo run... at last, I was able to come!. :-) It was already past 1AM when I left. I still needed to sleep and wake up early for Lear's tree planting activity that very morning.

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