Monday, September 20, 2010

Prep for Ultra

Did a 7.5K slow pace run today.

Unfortunately, I've found out that Monday's and Friday's should be allocated as "rest days" in preparation for 50K UltraMarathons. I must admit I haven't prepared in advance for my training, I just thought that a 2-month training is enough. Well, I'm perfectly wrong. In fact, most of the sites or literatures I've read suggests that I need at least 16 weeks to train and now I'm 6 weeks late already. Plus the fact that I just had a 2-week lay-off. What a way to start.

Note: I haven't run longer than 21K.


But this is it, there's no turning back now. Anyway, my goal is not to be one of the top finishers but an "Ultra Marathon" finisher. Since it would be Cebu's first ultra, might as well be part of it.

Right now, I'm trying to decide which of these Training Plans I should embark into. I have 5 options.

Anyway, I will see to it that my brother Ian Roy would agree as my "solo crew" on the race day.

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