Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Long Break

Since the 34th Milo Marathon Cebu Eliminations, I'm still unable to hit the road again. That's exactly 2 weeks now. Not that I'm being lazy in getting up early but because I have far more very important responsibilities to attend to.

A week after I've finished my first Milo 21K run, my eldest son got sick. I had to wake up almost every 30 minutes to check if he's OK;checking his temp, cooling him down, etc.. Doing this for two straight dawns was like forever. It's so painful to see my Zyle chilling and not being himself from time to time. I have to be there whenever he needs my comfort, but getting him to eat something was the most challenging part. So at that time I didn't have to think of running even a short distance.

On the second week, my wife asked me if we could see our pediatrician since Xyrus is having, as she calls it, sort of asthma. On Tuesday, we headed to Dr. Belonguel's clinic. Right after the doctor saw our son she sensed immediately that something was not right. She told us that Xyrus has a very dark complexion but we joked that it's because he just inherited my ancestry's treasure of being dark skinned. But upon her further checking, she found out that Xyrus is having a "PNEUMONIA" and a severe one. She told us to waste no time and had to rush our baby to the nearest hospital. So we did, again seeing a "28-day-old child" given IV fluids is just unbearable for me. I had to walk away from the scene. The doctor said that a possible cause of his "pneumonia" was overfeeding or milk getting into his lungs. Even wonder the importance to getting your babies to burp EVERYtime after their nursing sessions? He's getting better today but we have to stay until Wednesday to complete the IV antibiotic medication.

I do think a lot of getting back to my regular training but I am much happier to see my kids healthy again. I really miss Zylan, he's still in Lutopan since Xyrus was admitted in the hospital but I phoned him everyday and feeling satisfied everytime I hear his "Mwahh" over the next line.

By the way, I just registered for this coming Sunday's run "7th World Hearts Day Fun Run" and for this November's "1st Cebu Ultra Marathon" - a 50K running event.

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