Saturday, October 2, 2010

34 Milo Marathon : Cebu Elims

Last September 5's run was full of surprises.

Fresh from my 21K Aboitiz Race to Reduce run, I thought I'd be able to beat my 2:11 hour PR this time since I had more practice coming into this race than the latter. I was really excited going into this race. I sleep earlier compared to my regular sleeping time, took pictures of my shoe, race bib and my singlet before closing my eyes. I woke up earlier knowing that I have to ride a jeepney since parking lots should be scarce at the venue. By the way it’s my first time to join this Milo marathon event and was very overwhelmed to see thousands of people joining the race.

I went to the 21K runners waiting spot to see if I would meet someone that I could pace up with. Unexpectedly, I meet Engr. Jasper Pareja, a college organization brother. He came to Cebu just to participate in the Cebu Elimination. BTW, he's working with Procter and Gamble in Laguna. So I immediately asked him for his PR. "Its 2:10", he said. "Duol ra, cge dungan lang ta bai", ingon pud ko.

Race started.

I planned to have faster first half pace as compared to the Aboitiz Run for me to be able to have a sub-2:00 time which was the ultimate goal, but as soon as we entered the SRP road, the heat of "Mr. Sun" changed everything to at least beat my own PR. Fearing that I may toasted alive, I increased my pace even more thinking that if I could just leave this place “I'd be okay”.

I did left the dreaded SRP route alive but it was just the beginning of the much more painful problem. Along Sikatuna road, I felt some kind of tightening just above my right knee. So I stopped to try to alleviate the pain and attempted to massage it, unluckily the pain grows ever more. I have to stop and thought of quitting. Just leave the place and go home. But even a slight movement of my legs feels an unbearable pain. So I prayed that it would just go away. I don't know what made me jump a bit but I did feel relieve so I hop forward again and ALAS, I can run again. I know I cannot push longer strides but can now move forward. It took me a lot of minutes to figure it out or shall I say God hoisted me up to let me know He's there and I can still finish the race. If I have not started faster I would be much surprised to see that I still clocked at 2:15:43.


------Luoya'g nawng oi-------

What a wonderful surprise. Thank you for watching over me always.

mao ni gipasingotan???

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