Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oct. 31's-Citigym Halloween Run

To those of you joining tomorrow's Citigym Halloween Run, "good night, sweet dreams and see you at the starting line...".

I was able to upgrade my 12K registration for the longer 21K run.  I failed to run today because of family obligations.  :-) so might as well run the 21K and try to beat my PR (02:11:00).  Crossing my fingers, coz I'm using my old NB shoes this time which happens to be the one I used for the 12K last March Citirun 2010.


  1. good luck! sad that i;m going to miss this one.

  2. Thanks Ling... K ra na oi, daghan pa kaayo fun runs... Suya gani ko duol ra ka Banawa kay nindot kaayo i-train dha...
