Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Pagtong Run"

I bet there were thousands of "sunflowers" today.

Planned to do some heat training after lots of rest during the week.  I am (-)48Kms from my Ultra-Marathon sked for this week.  I didn't have the same motivation and had let laziness conquer me that's why I dedicated this run as a punishment...  hahahaha.

Started around 9:30 in the morning.  The first half of the 20.69 KM run was killing me literally.  There was no shade at all and I was feeling the heat even though I was wearing a light colored shirt and a cap.  It drained me and kept me out of focus.  I had to endure it all or else I might be surprised of what the actual 50K run on November 17th might offer.

But I was glad to finish the curse, I mean course in 2:51:02 hours.

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