Thursday, November 11, 2010

First Injury

I'd consider it a minor one though.

Last Sunday, I felt some soreness in the "soleus muscle" of my right leg.  It's the first time that I felt pain in this part of my leg.  Massaged it with anti-irritant ointment after the run.  The next day, I felt lesser pain but when I took a good look at it, I found out that it had swollen a bit. 

I was so afraid that it might worsen so I consulted our company physician.  She recommended to buy a non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory ointment (Fastrum Gel 2.5 %).  I just hope the pain would go away before Saturday. 

BTW, I'd be joining the test run with Jonel Mendoza, Haide Acuña and company on Saturday @ 5Am - 12NN.  Wish us luck...  Hope it would be an injury-free run.

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