Sunday, May 27, 2012

Did my 1st Marathon in 6:09:49

I was already expecting a slow finish after quite a number of "did not run" days immediately after the 50K UltraMarathon.  Plus December came when our "yayas" had their vacation and left me and Rina with the 2 kids.  I had always wanted to run every dawn but end up being lazy after spending each day trying to clean up the mess that Zyle is making every single minute that he's awake.  My wife even wondered how the yayas keep up in cleaning the house every day.

New Year came with me spending the 1st day of 2011 at Mactan Doctors Hospital.  Zyle was admitted for signs of dehydration and he can't swallow any food even if he wanted to.  He'll vomit and next thing you know he'll be saying "libang ko".  Thanks GOD he's okay now ang eating his favorite food - FISH.  Either tinola or pinirito, even the "danggit" that the yaya brought as pasalubong for us, he did not backed off.

So to sum up it was like a "BASTA MAHUMAN Lang" run for me.  And of course "Sayang ang 800" if you know what I mean.

Had a plan of maintaining a 30minute LSD pace then followed by a 3-minute walk which I did successfully for the 1st 2 hours of the race.  But when the 1st of lots-of-cramps came in, I have to change my instant mini plans... hahahaha...  First was my back (shoulder blades) probably because I wasn't having my daily push-ups anymore.  Then my hamstrings, fortunately though, Toto gave me an advice to rub it with ice as a band-aid solution which I believe was very effective.  I was also bringing a bottle of "Pau-de-Arco", I applied some but I don't know if it has relieved the pain but at least I feel different other than cramps.  Then my calves, then my neck and one time my chest.  But the thing is, those pains were bearable and every now and then they disappeared and lucky for me then don't come in COD but in installments.  The mind and heart is so powerful just don't forget to do follow the basics - refuel, rehydrate and smile.  Those marshalls are very polite and cheers for you which kept the runners going.  I salute them all for the job well done.  As if all the runners were their neighbors [-of course not all neighbors are friends {at least ours is}]... hehehehehehe

Did I mention mini plans?  O yeah, I have two of them:  One was when I was at the SRP area.  I would run and count 10 posts then walked the next 3 posts then run again. I would spend lots of minutes though treating my cramps again with a handful block of ice then comtinued with the 10-3 posts run-walk.  The other mini plant was the "1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1" counting.  20 of these spend during run then 10 of these while walking then run again.  Every count is equivalent to on step.  I did this for the last 7 kilometers I believe.

Running a marathon is fun.  You'd met different people and exchanged remarks even to a total stranger.  May it be a serious or a naughty one..  Quite heard a lot of those which made me laugh from time time everytime I'll remember them.
I would like to thank the Lord for giving me the strenght and determination to complete MY First Marathon.

For all the sponsors... hahahahah...  Special mention to:
-Mr. Henry Benlot for giving me a cool Habagat Cap.
-My ESD NA team for the birthday present they gave me for the race - Halo Head Gear (I love it)

-and to my wife though its a post-birthday-post-race birthday gift.  Timex Iron Man watch.  Thank You So Much and I love you...

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