Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Blood Type: AB+

I've known my blood type since college when I first donated a bag of blood to Red Cross. From then on I was a regular donor, having my blood freely given to those who would be needing them 2-3 times a year. 
By 2010, I received the “Galloner of Year Award” given by Red Cross.  The last time that I donated my blood was on the 1st week of August of this year.  It was a “package deal” requirement for a friend of mine who’s expecting a baby this month.


Just this last part of September, a fellow runner was looking for a donor for her sister that was due for an open surgery to remove a now huge myoma from her ovary.  She was an AB+.  I wanted to help but knowing that I’m not eligible to donate, the least I could do was to contact my 2 brothers who were also AB+s.  Due to some unfavorable circumstances, both were not available.  I convinced  my runner friend to ask the doctor if I could possibly donate if I’d passed the screening, since she was almost out of options.  If successful, it would be the first time that I could give my blood to a person I personally knew and needing the same blood type as I have.


Sadly, I failed the 2nd screening.  My hemoglobin was below the cut-off which was explained that it was expected since I haven’t fully recovered yet from my last blood extraction.


The thing that got me write this post is because my son was diagnosed with “dengue fever”.  He’s still in the hospital right now but is now recovering well.  We were preparing for the worst case scenario ( a possible blood transfusion perhaps) so we requested to do blood typing for Zyle. 


Guess what?  He’s also an AB+.


Now I’m second guessing about donating blood again.  or Should I?





This link below could tell you about the possible blood type of your offspring/s.
Possible Offspring Blood Type


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