Monday, August 27, 2012

Here I go again... Starting all over again...

  • Last year, I won 2nd place in PETC's Biggest Loser challenge... [fr. 180lbs to 153lbs]
  • Last May,  I enlisted and registered for CUC 100K ultramarathon [had to backed-out at the last minute because of an injury]

I have been into biking lately and running on KAI but I haven't run more than 10K yet after my longest ultra so far, the BOHOL 50 Miler.  I wanted to run longer but sometimes laziness overpowers me plus, I have no running shoes which I could use for Sunday LSDs. 

Now, I registered for the 3rd edition of PETC's Biggest Loser and weighed 171 lbs again.  I have also registered for the 2nd leg of CUC 100K. During my regular easy runs, I feel the pain in my legs no more.  But I have to be more focused this time, I already knew that the BOHOL 50Miler aftermath caused me miles of no running.  Though I did not have an injury during the actual run but it took a month-long rest for my left leg to completely heal and have a painless run.  I know what i got to do this time but i need focus to attain it, i need a push to jump start it.

Again, come August 31st will be the initial weigh-in for the aspiring "Losers".  But this time I'm not here for the money alone, I'll be changing my lifestyle for good.  "Core and Training Conditioning" should play a big part of it.

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