Friday, July 2, 2010

my 1st Run with Ungo,,,, when?

Ever since I've heard about a group of runners doing regular night-runs, I was very eager of joining them in one of their runs since they also would welcome newbies like me. But that "soon" wasn't happening as of yet and its almost 2 months now. The group's scheduled regular run is every Friday, 10PM and meeting place is at SunStar Cebu building near USC-Main Campus.

I am from Lapu-lapu City and sometimes laziness + stress from the day's work overwhelms my urge to run. I even planned of blogging my first Ungo Run so that i will have no choice but to pack up my gears. Same thing with my other plans... they are just plans.

One friday morning, I asked my wife that i'd be going to the office early so i can ... hopefully .... and finally join the Ungo Runners. So I did. Then at 6 PM the rain came down really hard (oh my!!! Not again) but stopped shortly (there's hope) but i wasn't sure if the night run would still push through. So I asked my officemate Stanley if i could ask for his friend's number (Jofrans, Ungo Runner) to inquire about that Friday's night run.

RUN POSTPONED was his reply. Toink!!! It must be the rain, i murmured.

Life goes on... But i wasn't really that relieved so after extending almost 3 hours in the office (12 midnight), I changed to my running mode and ran 5K around MEPZ2, concluded with 30-minute shoot-around courtesy of Lear's basketball court.

I know today is Friday but what can i do? i'm on a "Night Shift". Bye... Got to go. I might be late.

P.S. I just learned after last Sunday's Planet Sports Run the reason why that scheduled night run was called-off, most of the group members joined "Run for BEBE".


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