Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Year After My First 21K Run

I finished my 4th 21K run today wishing and hoping that all my other runs will be the same as this one.

pacing with Jordan

No, I did not beat my PR (02:04:15) but the most important thing is that I did not experience my after run agony/ies.

It's just been 2 weeks since I started running again and it's the first official run that I joined (3rd Great Lapulapu Run).  After months of almost daily overtimes at work, I feel bloated and lazy.  I'm just glad I found the new courage to start over again.

 Yes I thought training religiously for the supposed to be my 2nd UltraMara was the key to have a better result but I just have to swallow my pride and take back what I've said before that I'll won't be joining the said 65K Coast to Coast Ultra.  Each day that I trained, I always felt a very sharp pain at my left foot so I allocated some training days for recovery but the pain always follows each time I ran even for shorter distances.

For for the last two weeks, I increased my mileage gradually and always focused on my foot landing.  I did not included speed training but focused more on making sure that I'm I landing my foot pain free.  I did not panic that I only have another week for the "My 1st Anniversary 21K Run", rather I was more happy to know that I might have found the formula for a pain free run.

I followed almost exactly my game plan for today, 1st 13 minutes of slow jog and increased my pace later in the race...  Was it a negative split?  I thought so.  I did just that because I know the return route will be more on slightly downhills.  On Marcelo Fernan bridge, I did not tried running on the uphill part because I know I did not have the proper training.

I finished 02:23.26, better than my 1st 21K a year ago but way below my PR last October.  I did not have cramps, well, almost at the last 5 meters to the finish line.

But more importantly, I don't feel sharp pains in my foot.  By the way, we won second yesterday in yesterday's Amazing race at the openning ceremony of Chicago Joe's resto bar.  We're the only 3 women 1 men group which includes my wife and 2 of my Lear Runner friends.  I'm very proud of what we've accomplished yesterday.  It was almost 4-hour race and that proves to show that indeed I found my foot pain's Antidote.

(L-R Scarlet, Jannes, Rina, Jurein)

See you in the next runs.


  1. i wish i have even a quarter of your run 5k locally remains to be an elusive beh

  2. start running... bitaw buy a pair of good shoes... choose the expensive ones para mapugos ka dagan...

    I'll tell you what to do next once you have your expensive shoes... :-)
