Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bring it On... 1st Kawasan Marathon...

I'm praying and hoping to finish this run with a new PR.  If everything goes well as planned, then that would be a 5:10:00-hour time.  I have logged more miles prior to this run than last Cebu Marathon (2011) so hopefully it would pay-off.

this last weeks' prep:
Today: 10K run
Sunday: 21K LSD
Monday: 2-hour whole body massage + 8 hour sleep {no more late night movies}
Tuesday: 30-minute slow jog, Nilagang Baka+Camote, B-Complex, + 8 hour sleep
Wednesday: 30-minute slow jog, Nilagang Baka+Lugaw, B-Complex, + 8 hour sleep
Thursday: 30-minute slow jog, Nilagang Baka+Camote, B-Complex, + 8 hour sleep
Friday: Spagetti and Pizza, B-Complex, + 8 hours sleep
Saturday: Haircut then Chillax
Sunday: Come-What-May

Good luck to all those who are also joining this race.

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