Tuesday, August 30, 2011

UltraRunning Could be Low Cost Too!!!

I just finished my second UltraMarathon last Sunday and it surely was better than the first one.  No post-soreness/injuries, better time, no pressures, so much fun with special ka-idiots and above all (which my wife will definitely agree on this) least cost.

Taxi (Basak – Super Metro Mandaue)                                            =P 100
Water (from ATM or Automatic Tubig Machine)                            =P   10
Mountain Dew (softdrink)                                                            =P    12
Sparkle (softdrink), twice               8php each                               =P    16
Buko Juice (self-served, the guy just handed me his bolo)       =P     15
Finisher Shirt                                                                                         =P   200
Mobile Crew (food, cold sponges, water, 1st aid, etc…)            =P    150
Lunch                                                                                                      =P      50
Fare (Catmon – Super Metro Mandaue)                                        =P     68

That’s just 621 pesos compared to more than 3 thousand pesos I have spent on my 1st UltraMarathon.

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