Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Gym and Biking

Gym:  I plan to start tomorrow.  I don't know what to expect but will use this experience to force myself to do core conditioning and strenghtening.  I do admit that I've tried reading some articles about core training stuffs but end up getting bored and lazy.  I have my photo taken nalf naked today by my wife as a "before" for this goal of having "six pack tummy" someday (libre lang ang mangarap) but who knows with proper and deligent training I would hopefully get this as a Xmas gift for myself... hahahaha.


Bike: Well, I just received an ebook from a friend "BIKE_REPAIR_MANUAL" by C H R I S  S I D W E L L SLet me know if you're interested and i'll send you a copy... :-)  I just shared her my story that I'd like to try working another set of muscle aside from running and biking was a possibility.  She then told me about her friend who's into mountain biking and she even send me an email about this person selling his bike.  Wait, I need to make some research first since this one could become a vise, a very expensive vise.  I want to make it an investment that I would not regret in the future so hinay-hinay lang.  Back to reading...  Bye...

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